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Jason Lopez

Born and raised in Corpus Christi, Texas, Jason Lopez is a graduate of the Plan II Honors program at the University of Texas at Austin. Jason has served the public his entire professional career, first at the City of Austin’s Austin Energy for 9 years, and then in his role as Policy Advisor to Austin City Council Member Ann Kitchen for the last 5 years.

Jason has been a union activist and member of the American Federation of State County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) Local 1624 for over 12 years. Jason initiated the Next Wave program at his local, an organization for young members to get involved in the labor movement. He served as First Vice-President of Local 1624 for 2 years. Jason later served as President of the Texas AFL-CIO Young Active Labor Leaders (YALL) of Texas, helping expand the participation and inclusion of young workers in the labor movement across the state. Jason currently serves on the Executive Board of the Texas AFL-CIO and is President of the Austin Area AFL-CIO Central Labor Council.